15 February 2010

Spokavore Challenge Round 2

I really had the best of intentions when I signed up for round two of the Spokavore challenge. Round one was a lot of fun–even though I didn't make it to the end–and I was looking forward to giving it another shot. However, as the first day dawned, I found my self completely unprepared. I could give you all sorts of excuses about how I've been busy with this and that and how challenging it would be for me to limit my diet even more, considering I'm gluten-free and soy-free (more on that another day) this time around. But really, I just wasn't prepared.

So yeah, I was out before the challenge even started. But I wish all the other contestants luck! I'll be following everyone's progress as the week goes on.


  1. Noooooo! It's all good. I stay in purely for spite against The Schmolson.

  2. Crystal, I'm going to miss your amazing and creative meals, but I completely understand why.

  3. Anonymous (Paul?): I'm sure I would have been more inspired if I had a rivalry going. Maybe next time.

    Becky: Aw, thanks! I can't wait to see your creative meals!

  4. hey, you can still post food pictures and inspire the rest of us. Your "I like to eat..." pictures are making me hungry -they're so beautiful!

    Friendly potluck soon....

  5. Thanks, Monique! OK. I'll try to get something up tomorrow :)

  6. Hey Crystal - you won the kitchen scale contest over on Herbivoracious - sent you a facebook note but those aren't always so reliable. Drop me a line at herbivoracious [at] gmail.com and I'll arrange to get the prize to you.

  7. Thank you once again for your love and willingness to share your feelings.
