22 June 2009

Waste Not...

What do you do with week old brownies? Top them off with Cappuccino flavored Coconut Bliss and fresh strawberries! I made brownies last week for some unknown reason. (I'm currently helping plan a vegan bake sale and have had so many goodies around me it's ridiculous!) Half the pan of brownies have been sitting uneaten on the counter wrapped up, but have gone a little stale. I hate throwing food out, so stale brownies were the perfect excuse to pick up some Coconut Bliss at Fresh Abundance today. Actually, my son has a sore throat, so the ice cream was really for him... At any rate, this was a perfect combination! The ice cream softened the brownies and the strawberries were simply delightful. I love summer.


  1. I love Coconut Bliss Ice Cream, and I can't think of a better way to eat stale brownies than with some yummy ice cream and strawberries! Sounds great!

  2. Bob's Red Mill makes a gluten-free brownie mix, Becky...

  3. Good to know!

    I just made some gluten-free vegan cookies but I forgot the brand of cookie mix. And then I remembered that I'm probably going to buy a bunch of treats this weekend.

    Oh well...:)
