02 February 2009

food-related goals for 2009

1. to grow my own soy beans

2. to procure a soy milk maker

3. to make wine - my step-dad is in on this one!

4. to experiment more with gluten free baking (from scratch!)

5. to eat/buy more local and organic produce

6. to get myself some good kitchen knives

7. to make my own tofu!! (and soy milk, of course)

i'm a little nervous about the wine and tofu making. i'll keep you posted as i work toward my goals. (also, i promise not use a wine necklace when drinking my homemade wine. promise.)


  1. I saw your review of One World Spokane and am going tomorrow. Do they take debit cards?

  2. Good luck on the wine making! If you need any help / advice / random commentary, my boyfriend and I are in our 3rd year of winemaking, and have done grapes, cranberries, apples, and plenty of mead :)

    (I've also got plenty of gluten-free recipes ;-) )
