27 January 2009

local markets

so, i've been sick this past week. and whenever i'm sick i crave fresh fruit and vegetables! the combination of being sick and this frosty weather has me looking forward to spring and the return of our local farmer's markets - especially the two (!) that are within walking distance of my apartment. but i need not wait for the sun to show its golden face to enjoy local produce. no! spokane offers a few special winter markets to help us get through these dreary months.

Fresh Abundance - not really a farmer's market, but a market nonetheless offering local (within 200 miles) produce at three locations

Millwood Winter Market - for those of you on the eastside [of spokane]

Spokane Winter Market - in the community building, of course

C d'A Winter Market - thought i'd better include this one, too

happy [local] shopping!

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